  1. 1. In which state more than 90% ration shops are run by cooperatives?
  2. 3. The most devastating famine occurred in India in 1943 in _______.
  3. 8. GOI of India introduced __________in 1940s against the backdrop of the Bengal Famine.
  4. 10. Indian government distribute foodgrains in the deficit areas and among the poorer strata of the society at a price lower than the market price. This price is called _________.
  5. 11. In which state of India, grain banks have been set up by NGOs?
  6. 13. Yellow card is issued to __________ families.
  7. 14. A __________ is characterised by wide spread deaths due to starvation and epidemics caused by forced use of contaminated water or decaying food and loss of body resistance due to weakening from starvation.
  1. 2. A special stamp entitled ‘Wheat Revolution’ was released by __________ in July 1968.
  2. 4. ________ hunger is prevalent in both rural and urban areas.
  3. 5. Buffer stock is the stock of foodgrains procured by the government through_________.
  4. 6. Dairy This is a cooperative that provides milk and vegetables at controlled rates decided by the government of Delhi.
  5. 7. ____ cards are given to the poorest of poor
  6. 9. India is aiming at Self-sufficiency in Food grains since Independence. Which important measure helped India achieve self-sufficiency in food grains?
  7. 11. The price that is announced before the sowing season is called __________.
  8. 12. Under ______ scheme, 10 kgs of foodgrains are provided to Indigent Senior citizens free of cost.