Food Supply - A Hungry World and Feeding India's People p. 6-16

  1. 3. This is a major reason why crops fail and famine is created.
  2. 4. Lack of healthy food can cause this.
  3. 5. A movement in the 1960's aimed at helping India's farmers to raise more food.
  4. 7. The scarcity of food is called __________.
  5. 8. A long period without rain.
  6. 11. Groups that provide food and resources to those in need from drought and natural disasters all around the world.
  7. 12. One of the poorest countries in South America.
  8. 16. Poor health due to inadequate food.
  9. 17. Food that is intended for the poor and hungry in India is sometimes _________.
  10. 19. Deep water wells in India contained ________ which poisoned the crops.
  11. 20. The Green Revolution taught farmers how to use fertilizer and ___________.
  12. 21. The raising of food.
  13. 22. The vitamins and minerals that enable you to survive and stay healthy.
  14. 23. One of the poorest countries in the world
  1. 1. Bad farming practices do this to the land.
  2. 2. The number of people that go hungry each day
  3. 6. Water that lies below the earth's surface.
  4. 9. A mineral eaten by Indian childerian that causes kidney failure.
  5. 10. These are created when it is difficult to get nutritious food or it is too far to reach.
  6. 13. The average pay for a tea laborer.
  7. 14. The wise use of natural resources allows for this.
  8. 15. This is mixed with wheat to make a more nutritious bread.
  9. 18. Being able to have a continued access to sufficient and nutritious food.