Food tech

  1. 4. protect body against disease and regulate body processes,
  2. 7. - deficiency in one or more nutrients
  3. 10. What are proteins made from?
  4. 12. Nausea, bloating, stomach pain, headaches, nausea.
  1. 1. - consume excess of one or more nutrients
  2. 2. - lack of iron entering red blood cells which carries oxygen to body tissues
  3. 3. Throat closing up, hives, rashes, swelling of the face.
  4. 5. NON-NUTRIENTS not nutrients but assist with body processes to maintain health
  5. 6. protect body against disease and regulate body processes
  6. 8. disease - diseases regarding the heart and blood vessels
  7. 9. - calcium deficiency - brittle bones
  8. 11. There are....main nutrients
  9. 13. 2 diabetes - too much glucose in the blood and not enough insulin