Food tech 6/11/23

  1. 1. Immune reaction to eating gluten
  2. 9. Vitamin in bananas and potatoes
  3. 10. One cause of malnutrition
  4. 11. Main type of sugar in blood
  5. 12. Sugar found naturally in fruit
  6. 13. Proteins that speed up metabolism or chemical reactions in the body
  7. 16. The practice of farming including cultivating soil to grow crops
  8. 17. How food is styled and plated for visual appeal
  9. 18. Building blocks of protein
  10. 19. A form undernutrition eating disorder
  11. 20. A type of iron deficiency
  1. 2. A sugar found in milk that some people can be intolerant to
  2. 3. One of the 6 food groups that contains wheat
  3. 4. A nutrient that provides energy
  4. 5. A chronic disease related to problems with insulin: 2 types
  5. 6. Something found in fish oil
  6. 7. Meat, eggs, and other products
  7. 8. One of the 6 food groups that is required heavily for young growing children
  8. 14. One cause of overnutrition
  9. 15. Meeting the needs of the present without harming the ability of future generations to meet their own needs Needed
  10. 17. Something the muscles need to grow