Food Trivia

  1. 2. How many servings of vegetables and fruit should you eat in a day?
  2. 6. The portion size of a deck of cards can be used in what food group?
  3. 12. Where do you look to see how much sugar is in a particular food?
  4. 14. What liquid should you consume to quench your thirst?
  5. 15. How much is a serving of milk?
  6. 16. Where do you look to see if sugar has been ADDED to a product?
  7. 18. What meat alternative is commonly used in chili?
  1. 1. What is listed at the bottom of a nutrition label?
  2. 3. What are the two nutrients listed under carbohydrates on a nutrition label?
  3. 4. How much is a serving of juice in the fruit and vegetables food group?
  4. 5. What is the minimum number of food groups that should be part of a healthy snack?
  5. 6. 3/4 cup of yogurt is a serving size in what food group?
  6. 7. What type of fat is not healthy?
  7. 8. What is the minimum number of food groups that should be part of a balanced meal?
  8. 9. What food group encourages you to eat one green and one orange food item every day?
  9. 10. How many minutes of physical activity is recommended every day for youth?
  10. 11. What is the measurement of energy on a nutrition label?
  11. 13. What type of spread can be used as an alternative to meat products?
  12. 17. If you do not drink cow milk what is an example of an alternative option?