Food Web

  1. 2. an interconnected set of food chains
  2. 5. an organism that decomposes or breaks down dead organic material
  3. 10. the flow of energy through living things within an ecosystem
  4. 11. an organism that uses sunlight to make its own food for energy
  5. 12. an organism that gets energy from eating plants or animals
  6. 16. a single, self-contained, living thing
  7. 17. they are consumers
  8. 18. an organism that gets energy by eating only plants
  1. 1. the process where plants use sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide to produce sugar and release oxygen
  2. 3. all living and nonliving things and all their interactions in an area
  3. 4. an animal that is hunted as food
  4. 6. an organism that hunts and feeds on other organims
  5. 7. the material that people and animals eat to get energy
  6. 8. they are producers
  7. 9. main source of energy in a food chain or food web
  8. 13. shows the flow of energy within an ecosystem
  9. 14. an organism that gets energy by eating only other animals
  10. 15. an organism that gets energy by eating both plants and other animals