Food word

  1. 4. salty, briny, saline.
  2. 6. pungent but in the fetid, smelly, foul, stale, rancid, definitely bad way; offensive to the smell or taste and not fresh.
  3. 7. acrid, tart, sour, harsh, acidic, vinegary, acerbic. The opposite of sweet, honeyed, mild, gentle, warm.
  4. 12. what has been made sweeter, or softer, in taste, edulcorated, sweetened.
  5. 13. is the trace, hint, smack, relish, savor food leaves behind.
  6. 14. and we are talking juicy, moist food; delicious and delectable food; scrumptious or succulent food super tasty, toothsome, more than palatable, surely mouthwatering food. Dry, disgusting or nauseating? noway!
  7. 15. to the flavor or strong odor of game, especially game that is starting to spoil. It would be
  8. 17. indicates edible, pleasant, tasty, just OK, appetizing, toothsome, I would not say delicious. Palatable food is acceptable to the palate, something in between mouthwatering and foul. It is NOT inedible, tasteless,or disgusting either.
  9. 18. the same as the previous word, salty, brackish, saline.
  1. 1. for ambrosial, delicious or sweet; something that reminds you of nectar, the drink of the god –in Greek mythology, therefore it would seem more to the point using it for liquids than for solid food.any sweet, stimulating drink could be nectar to your lips.
  2. 2. something cutting, biting, acid, acidic, sharp, astringent, stinging, scathing, excoriating. To say the
  3. 3. is biting, harsh, sharp, cutting, acerbic, severe, rough, acrid, mordant, caustic. It is not mild, soft,
  4. 5. divine, wonderful, blissful, delightful, lovely, fantastic, glorious, sublime; opposed to horrible and dreadful.
  5. 8. taste, hot, tangy, agreeably biting or sharp; never bland or insipid.
  6. 9. and rancid, certainly not fresh. It is a word more often applied to other areas than to food.
  7. 10. is succulent, luscious, thirst quenching, moist, ripe, usually flavorful, many times fascinating. Dry and bland don’t apply.
  8. 11. spicy, tasty or zesty are very similar words. Also to be considered having a pleasant
  9. 16. you would call it mild, sweet, or smooth.