Food, Writing, and Culture Terms Crossword Puzzle

  1. 4. ground for cultivating plants
  2. 5. unhealthy, excessive fat accumulation
  3. 6. sharp, pungent alkaline taste
  4. 8. plant-based diet
  5. 11. being of comparable value
  6. 13. enjoys eating too much food
  7. 16. diet without meat
  8. 17. by inflicting a minimum of pain
  9. 18. describes eating guilt-free
  10. 19. compounds that enhance soil fertility
  11. 22. art and science of food preparation
  12. 23. maintaining ecological balance
  13. 24. flavor from chilies
  14. 25. plant and flesh-eating animals
  15. 26. describes mass scale farming
  16. 31. reap what you sow
  17. 32. average weather condition
  18. 34. distinctive smell
  19. 35. breathing multi-cellular organisms humans eat
  20. 37. moral principles
  21. 38. discomfort from lack of food
  1. 1. fleshy seed-associated structures of plants
  2. 2. flavor from sugars
  3. 3. conditioned aversion to food
  4. 4. connoisseur of good food
  5. 7. characterized by textures
  6. 9. parts of plants eaten by humans
  7. 10. compounds deterring destructive plants
  8. 12. flesh-eating animals
  9. 14. acidic taste
  10. 15. clearing trees for farming
  11. 20. compounds deterring destructive insects
  12. 21. chemist creating artificial/natural flavors
  13. 24. sodium from metals taste
  14. 27. lacking with hunger in society
  15. 28. pursuit of killing animals
  16. 29. high Quality food
  17. 30. natural compounds in farming
  18. 33. one engaged in agriculture
  19. 36. painful emotion from impropriety, humiliation
  20. 39. a savory taste