
  1. 2. It is a word to describe milk that is not fresh.
  2. 4. It is a vegetable that has white "roses".
  3. 6. It is used with word "food". It can mean unhealthy.
  4. 8. It can be white or green. It is a vegetable that grows in May and June
  5. 12. It is a fruit that don't grow it Poland. It is hard and yellow inside.
  6. 13. It is a British name for "cookies".
  7. 14. It is a kind of fish that is often marinated in oil and put in a jar.
  8. 15. It is the opposite to the word "lean" in "lean meat".
  1. 1. It is a kind of bag you carry your groceries in.
  2. 3. It is made of eggs, can be homemade.
  3. 5. It is a vegetable. It is long and white below the ground and green above.
  4. 7. It is a small red fruit. It can be wild or grow in a garden.
  5. 9. It is a container for juice.
  6. 10. It is a world that describes food made with milk.
  7. 11. It is a vegetable. It can be green, red, yellow and orange.