
  1. 2. Hard to rhyme.
  2. 4. The crunchy shell with different flavors and seasoning will amaze you
  3. 7. cream: Has more flavors now other than vanilla, chocolate and strawberry.
  4. 8. You find this fruit in Hawaii.
  5. 9. You eat this treat when its your birthday!
  6. 10. The crunchy shell will want you wanting more.
  7. 11. Buck, Buck!
  8. 14. This different kind of pancake is a hit in France.
  1. 1. The best thing to eat at the movies.
  2. 3. Charlie and the______ Factory
  3. 5. The circle of dough has much more than just cheese and sauce
  4. 6. The outside is furry but the inside is green and is to die for.
  5. 11. This sweet treat can have almost anything in there round figure.
  6. 12. The crunchy shell but sweet insides will make you run back to the store and buy more
  7. 13. This Mexican platter is full of different chips and veggies.