
  1. 2. I'm a golden vegetable.
  2. 4. People use this to prevent their food from burning in a frying pan.
  3. 5. What do we call meat that comes from a cow?
  4. 7. Rabbits like to eat me.
  5. 9. I'm at the bottom of the food pyramid and people in Italy love me.
  6. 13. What do we call meat that comes from a pig?
  7. 14. I'm a person who does not eat meat.
  8. 15. Children drink this when they are born so they can grow strong.
  9. 16. I'm sweet and children love me.
  10. 17. You can find me in a henhouse.
  1. 1. I'll make you tear up when you're chopping me up.
  2. 3. I'm white and you can find me at the bottom of the food pyramid.
  3. 4. I'm a fruit, I'm yellow and I'm also a bit crooked.
  4. 6. I'm purple and a vegetable.
  5. 8. I'm round, red and perfect to put in a salad.
  6. 10. Snow White was cursed when she ate me.
  7. 11. I'm yellow and sour.
  8. 12. I'm named for my color.