
  1. 2. It's soft, brown and its can be over cook if we let it too long in the oven.
  2. 4. It's sour and yellow.
  3. 6. It's can be spicy, they can have pineapple, sausage or bacon.
  4. 8. It's orange, long, crunchy and raw.
  5. 11. We can put candle on it and we put it in the oven to cook it.
  6. 13. It's chewy, sweet and with a lot of flavor and famous.
  7. 14. It's rond, there is a hole in ii, it's yummy and Homer love it
  8. 15. The taste can be soft or spicy it's raw.
  9. 16. It's oval, white and it's the chiken who made it.
  10. 17. It's soft and they can be made with meals, vegetable, fruit and chocolate.
  11. 19. It's soft and peach.
  1. 1. It's wet, it's not smelling and taste nothing.
  2. 3. It's salty and we eat it when we are at cinema.
  3. 5. It's hot, there is sausage and it, we can put ketchup, mustard, mayo...
  4. 7. It's cold, made with milk, it can be other flavour.
  5. 8. It's made of 99% of water and it's green.
  6. 9. Tt's crunchy green and raw.
  7. 10. Pepsi, coca-cola, 7-up, crush, root beer...
  8. 12. It's blue, verry small and the famous one are in Lac St-Jean.
  9. 18. It's terrible, it's smell bad.