- 2. A hot, liquid food made of vegetables, meat or fish
- 4. A bird like a large chicken that you can eat
- 7. A purple vegetable that is white inside
- 9. A long, orange vegetable that grows in the ground
- 10. A food that you eat for breakfast and you put it in the milk (2 words)
- 15. A big fish with pink meat
- 16. A really sweet food that is produced by bees
- 17. A big vegetable that is also used as decoration for halloween
- 18. Small, round seeds that people eat as vegetable
- 19. A vegetable that looks like an onion and with a very stong smell and taste
- 21. A seed of a plant that is used as a food
- 23. A small animal that lives in the sea and that we eat
- 1. A white or yellow food made of milk that is used as fat
- 3. A thin, round food that is made with eggs and, sometimes, vegetables
- 4. A fish that is normally sold in cans
- 5. A yellow, green or red vegetable
- 6. A green healthy food
- 8. A flat piece of meat with a bone in it (2 words)
- 11. A food that is made by pressing meat and herbs in a long tube
- 12. A large fish that we usually eat covered in breadcrumbs
- 13. A plant with thin leaves that is used to add flavor to the food
- 14. The sweet, yellow seeds that are used as a vegetable
- 20. A yellow or white food made of milk
- 22. A thick and fat liquid made from plants or animals that is used for cooking