
  1. 2. Too much of this in your diet leads to tooth decay.
  2. 3. Gives you energy and provides insulation to keep warm.
  3. 6. The body needs small amounts to keep healthy. Examples: C and D.
  4. 7. All chemical reactions in the body take place in this liquid.
  5. 9. The useful substances in food.
  6. 11. When someone is lacking a particular nutrient.
  7. 12. Helps the body to grow and repair itself.
  8. 13. To stay healthy, you must eat a ____ diet.
  9. 14. Too much of this in your diet leads to high blood pressure.
  1. 1. Foods grown without using artificial chemicals.
  2. 4. Helps aid in digestion.
  3. 5. Gives you energy.
  4. 8. Someone who does not eat meat.
  5. 10. The body needs small amounts to keep healthy. Examples: Iron and Calcium.