
  1. 2. Yellow and sour
  2. 4. Fruit to drink
  3. 5. Comes from bees
  4. 7. Long and yellow, taste sweet
  5. 11. Black or white, sweet and adicttive
  6. 12. Typical in autumn, can be scary
  7. 15. Red sweet fruit, good with cream
  8. 18. It can be red, yellow or green
  9. 19. A salty snack
  10. 20. Made of eggs and vegetables
  1. 1. Fluffy, funny and in many colours
  2. 3. You can find them on a typical British breakfast
  3. 6. Good for colds
  4. 7. Small black fruit you find in the forest
  5. 8. Gives us calcium
  6. 9. Long, orange. Rabbits and horses love them!
  7. 10. Good for a snack, delicious
  8. 13. Little circular green vegetable
  9. 14. Grow in a vine
  10. 16. Come from hens
  11. 17. Sweet in summer, juicy fruit
  12. 19. Salty or sweet