
  1. 3. a vegetable that is usually eaten raw and has green skin
  2. 6. There are fruit ____, fish _____, bacon&egg _____
  3. 8. a long curved fruit with a thick skin
  4. 9. You can find this on lots of breakfast tables
  5. 11. Do you like chocolate with ___ in it?
  6. 12. grows underground as the root of a plant; you usually peel them and can roast, boil, bake or frie them.
  7. 13. people often eat ______ with their tea/ coffee
  8. 14. one of the biggest fruits and often eaten in summer
  1. 1. a fruit with shiny skin and a seed inside
  2. 2. Halloween
  3. 4. many ____can be eaten, others are giftig
  4. 5. sweet
  5. 7. A tropical fruit with smooth skin and a large seed inside.
  6. 10. a soft fruit with very small yellow steeds on the surface, that grows on a low plan
  7. 15. a round vegetable with many layers inside each other. They have a strong smell and flavor.