
  1. 4. alagations
  2. 8. 2024 superbowl contender
  3. 10. Never winning another Superbowl
  4. 11. Power house of a runningback
  5. 12. Worst quarterback in the league
  6. 13. Worst team ever
  7. 16. Worst coach
  8. 18. Best center
  9. 19. #1 draft pick
  10. 20. Mid
  1. 1. Garabge
  2. 2. Best GM
  3. 3. Poverty
  4. 5. Actual best center
  5. 6. overpaid
  6. 7. deserved MVP
  7. 9. kelce best tight end
  8. 14. team we thought were good
  9. 15. Best college coach
  10. 17. Da goat