
  1. 2. Yards needed for a first down.
  2. 3. Offensive player loses possession of the ball before play is dead.
  3. 6. What's on there head for protection?
  4. 7. Sport that includes a touchdown.
  5. 8. Quarterback throws to another player.
  6. 9. Season before the regular season.
  7. 11. Punishment for breaking the rules.
  8. 13. First year of playing.
  9. 15. Unit that has possession of the ball.
  10. 17. Games are played on a?
  1. 1. receivers Player who gets the ball. (2 words)
  2. 2. Play that is worth 6 points.
  3. 4. Abbreviation for point after touchdown.
  4. 5. Leader of the offense.
  5. 8. What a team does if it doesn't get a first down.
  6. 9. First Super bowl winners.
  7. 10. Biggest NFL game of the year.
  8. 12. The post the ball goes though.
  9. 14. Responsible for keeping the other team from the end zone.
  10. 16. Taking the quarterback between the line of scrimmage.