
  1. 2. Where was Marshawn Lynch born
  2. 4. How many puppy bowls have there been
  3. 7. Colorado football team
  4. 8. Number 3 on seahawks
  5. 11. what number are the seahawks fan
  6. 12. How many people have died in NFL history
  7. 13. Team with name of osprey
  8. 14. Where are the Green Bay Packers
  9. 15. Florida football teams does Florida have
  10. 16. North Carolina football team
  1. 1. Arizona football team
  2. 3. Chicago football team
  3. 5. How many football teams does Ohio have
  4. 6. Minnesota football team
  5. 9. What color of Gatorade dumped on winning 2020
  6. 10. Georgia football team
  7. 11. Tennessee football team
  8. 13. What food does Marshawn Lynch love