
  1. 2. The quarterback of the offense throws a ball and the defense catches the ball
  2. 3. The receiver has the ball and is running towards the end zone
  3. 6. The player that catches or gets handed the ball and runs to the end zone
  4. 9. Four of these to make 10 yards or the other team gets the ball
  5. 10. The team that has the ball and it trying to score a touchdown
  6. 12. The defense tackles the offense in the defenses end zone
  7. 13. Before a play the team gathers in one of these to decide on a play
  8. 15. There are four of these in one game, sometimes more if there is a tie at the end of the game
  9. 18. A foul where the defense or offense holds onto the other teams jersey to prevent them from moving or tackling
  10. 20. At the beginning of the game or when a team score the players kick the ball to the other team
  11. 21. The player drops the ball and the other team has a chance to take the ball
  12. 22. The National Football League
  13. 24. This player makes all the plays whether it is passing or throwing the ball
  1. 1. The player does not catch the ball thrown to them
  2. 4. An official who directs the other six of these on the field
  3. 5. The team who does not have the ball and tries to prevent the other team from scoring
  4. 7. A kick on fourth down where the offense did not make it to the end zone so the defense gets the ball
  5. 8. When a player runs to the end zone of the field scoring 7 points
  6. 11. A foul where the defense grabs a hold of the offense helmet
  7. 14. The defense knowing the ball out of the offense hands resulting in a fumble or interseption
  8. 16. The defense stops the offense from moving by throwing them to the ground
  9. 17. A foul when someone moves when they are not suppose to
  10. 19. A foul when the defense makes it almost impossible for the receiver to catch the ball
  11. 23. Starts the play after the Quarterback says hut