
  1. 3. Wilson
  2. 6. Brady
  3. 7. Griffen 111
  4. 9. Thomas Brady is on this team.
  5. 11. this is a quarterback that did horrible in this hole season. Hint - he is on the
  6. 12. he is a giant player and he catches the kicks for the giants.
  7. 13. Eli
  8. 15. There is a rookie quarterback on this team and he is from Stanford
  9. 16. Andrew
  1. 1. This team is green and yellow.
  2. 2. Cruz
  3. 4. Coli Kaepernick is on this team.
  4. 5. H e was o the giants but know he is on free agents.
  5. 8. Number 15 on the Broncos, and Jets.
  6. 10. This team is Green and White.
  7. 14. There are a lot of amazing people on this team.
  8. 15. This player is a giant and he does the salsa.