for JD

  1. 3. past tense of shiver
  2. 7. What the f?
  3. 8. one-_____, a fraction
  4. 10. a mitten with fingers
  5. 12. check the ____ on tv to see the temperature
  6. 13. a place to live that is not a house
  7. 15. second-hand
  8. 17. 12 _____ by 4 equals 3
  9. 19. keep your feet warm in the winter
  10. 20. Deng's first winter was terrible b/c he did not have ____ clothes
  11. 21. hug your ____
  1. 1. temperature below zero
  2. 2. ____ your jacket on; we're going shopping
  3. 4. before twelfth
  4. 5. plural of scarf
  5. 6. a short word for inexpensive
  6. 9. after fourth
  7. 11. day after Friday
  8. 14. lets you see the snow from inside the house
  9. 16. before second
  10. 18. no kiss, no hug, just a hand _____