For lil

  1. 2. What’s my fav animal?
  2. 5. Where’s my dream place to travel?
  3. 7. What’s my favorite food?
  4. 8. What color is my hair?
  5. 10. Who’s my favorite artist?
  6. 13. What’s my favorite movie?
  1. 1. What’s my favorite musical?
  2. 3. What year am I?
  3. 4. Where is my dream place to live?
  4. 6. Am I excited to be your big?
  5. 9. Am I in multiple orgs?
  6. 11. Is my major in the music school?
  7. 12. What do I think of Tori?
  8. 14. What’s my fav color?
  9. 15. How many roommates do I have?