  1. 2. surveillance done in secret
  2. 5. polygraph detects this
  3. 10. cellphone communication is not possible without this
  4. 12. investigative technique used by public and private entities
  5. 14. a factor that has an impact on the polygraph outcome
  6. 15. are determined by the type of surveillance operation
  7. 16. a requirement to make a pointing out valid
  8. 18. this is how managers help their staff achieve objectives
  9. 19. this type of criminal usually only steals specific things
  10. 20. pointing out is an additional means to gather this
  1. 1. also known as a mobile station
  2. 3. Latin term that means this
  3. 4. this principle is the starting point of an investigation
  4. 6. influences the modus operandi of the criminal
  5. 7. the signature of a criminal before, during, or after a crime
  6. 8. calls are processed here in the network
  7. 9. people with this illness should not undergo a polygraph
  8. 11. whatever the suspect says during a pointing out may constitute this
  9. 13. a disadvantage of surveillance
  10. 17. a basic management function