Force and Motion Review

  1. 4. a machine is a machine made up of many simple and compound machines (like robots, cars, motocycles)
  2. 7. is the force that slows the motion of moving objects
  3. 9. energy is energy you can hear, which is produced when something vibrates
  4. 14. is the tendency of a moving object to stay in motion or a resting object to stay at rest
  5. 18. Energy that comes from chemical changes
  6. 19. the kind of energy an object has because it can move or because it is moving
  7. 20. is the ability to do work
  8. 21. These two things must happen for work to be done (2 words)
  1. 1. __ energy is the energy of motion (going down the roller coaster)
  2. 2. When force is used on an object and it does not move, __ work is done.
  3. 3. energy (also known as thermal energy) is the amount of heat in an object
  4. 5. __ energy is energy that an object has because of position (sitting at the top of the rollercoaster)
  5. 6. is the result of a force moving an object
  6. 8. Newton The scientist that learned that a moving object will continue moving in a straight line until a force causes it to slow down or stop and that an object not rest will stay at rest until a force moves it
  7. 10. a push or pull on an object that can cause it to change motion
  8. 11. a machine made of one or two parts (like a lever or pulley)
  9. 12. a machine is a machine made of two or more simple machines (like scissors, bulldozer, or bike)
  10. 13. is the force that pulls two objects toward one another because of their mass and can be measured
  11. 15. is a machine that makes work easier
  12. 16. Energy that comes from the flow of electricity
  13. 17. energy is energy you can see