Force & Simple Machines Review

  1. 3. The amount of work you do depends on how much _____ you use to move an object.
  2. 4. The force applied to cause a simple machine to do work: __________
  3. 9. An inclined plane is a _______, sloped surface.
  4. 10. A ________ is the point on which the bar of a lever turns
  5. 11. A block and tackle allows you to use _____ force when lifting an object because the rope moves a greater distance.
  6. 14. A pulley is a _______ with a groove that can hold a rope.
  7. 16. The amount of effort needed on a lever is determined by the ______ between the effort and the fulcrum.
  8. 17. An object that makes work easier is called a ____________
  9. 19. plane A screw is a _____ _____ wound around an axle
  10. 21. A nail with a thread that twists up it is an example of a _______
  11. 23. A greater mass requires _______ force to move it.
  1. 1. The force that resists the movement of objects against eachother: _________
  2. 2. A doorknob is an example of a ________
  3. 5. The inclined plane on a screw is called _______.
  4. 6. The force that pulls objects towards the Earth is called __________
  5. 7. plane A ramp to a building is an example of a ______ _______
  6. 8. A flagpole moving a flag up is an example of a _______
  7. 9. A _______ is a push or a pull.
  8. 12. A knife is an example of a _______
  9. 13. A change is position is called ___________
  10. 14. A force moving an object over a distance is called ________ .
  11. 15. The weight of the object being moved is called __________
  12. 18. A paint-can opener prying up a lid is an example of a _______
  13. 20. planes A wedge is one or more _____ ______ used to force materials apart.
  14. 22. A lever is a ________ that turns on a point