Forde Precomp Vocabulary Unit 1

  1. 4. movement which involves nomadic people herding animals
  2. 7. major cause of the Agricultural revolution
  3. 9. continent humans originated
  4. 10. spread ideas, technology, and disease
  5. 11. Old Stone Age
  6. 14. New Stone Age
  7. 16. To move from one place to another with the intention of settling.
  8. 17. _____________ of labor
  9. 19. Paleolithic technology used to stay warm
  10. 22. The farming of animals and plants through the process of selective breeding to benefit humans
  11. 25. method used by Paleolithic people to obtain food
  1. 1. results in a population increase & specialization of labor
  2. 2. societies in which people have the same rights and power
  3. 3. method used by Neolithic people to obtain food
  4. 5. agriculture
  5. 6. Paleolithic diet
  6. 8. Paleolithic people caused animal ______
  7. 12. Era in which people had longer life expectancy
  8. 13. male dominated society
  9. 15. Roaming from place to place
  10. 18. to stay or settle in one place
  11. 20. working with and making products from metal
  12. 21. _______ tools. Paleolithic technology
  13. 23. more than what is needed
  14. 24. Era in which people had shorter life expectancy