Foreign aid as a link to Australia

  1. 2. when two countries or organisations come together to form an agreement or relationship
  2. 6. a large body of water with many islands
  3. 8. a Global organisation at the for-front of making the world a better place
  4. 9. the biggest Muslim dense country in the world
  5. 13. the term used when a country gives aid under no terms and agreements
  6. 14. the third UN millennium development goal
  7. 18. many government through a central agency
  8. 20. this aid is given when unfortunate disasters for such as war, terrorist attacks and natural disasters occur
  9. 22. the second millennium development goal
  1. 1. a status given to a country to signify that the country is economically and technologically disadvantaged
  2. 3. Goals set by the United nations in 2000
  3. 4. an Operation task force developed by the Australian Government to distribute aid to other countries
  4. 5. What country does Australia give the most foreign aid to
  5. 7. the term used meaning to make official
  6. 10. an acronym that describes organisations that take part in Foreign aid
  7. 11. these people are responsilbe for Australia being the third biggest recipient of its own financial aid
  8. 12. the way to describe the effect that foreign aid has upon Australia
  9. 15. the level of government that includes the entire country itself
  10. 16. one government to another
  11. 17. the term used when a country gives aid under strict terms and conditions
  12. 19. a NGO that is famous for its aid and rehabilitation programs for children around the world
  13. 21. A status given to a country to signify that the country is economically and technologically advanced