Foreign and Domestic Policy

  1. 1. A tax or duty to be paid
  2. 9. Amount of cash banks must hold in reserve against deposits made by their customers
  3. 12. A period of temporary economic decline
  4. 13. Central bank of the United States created by congress
  5. 14. Action of buying and selling goods and services
  6. 17. Minimum interest rate set by the federal reserve
  7. 18. A policy remaining apart from affairs or interests of other groups
  8. 19. A total value of goods produced and services provided in a country during one year
  1. 2. Money, Food and other resources given or lent by one country to another
  2. 3. Agreement according to international law to form a free trade area
  3. 4. Sets of policies and practices within a government or organization seeking to include particular groups
  4. 5. An activity by a central bank to give liquidy in its currency to a bank or group of banks
  5. 6. Commercial and financial penalties applied by states or institutions against states
  6. 7. Federal health insurance for people age 65 or older
  7. 8. Having a right to something
  8. 10. Value of the shares issued by a company
  9. 11. An official ban on trade or other commercial activity
  10. 15. Wealth and resources of a country or region
  11. 16. Political economic union of 27 members states
  12. 20. A general increase in prices