Foreign Policy Vocab

  1. 2. agreements between nations to aid and protect one another
  2. 4. Official representatives to foreign governments
  3. 9. Private organizations that pursue activities to relieve suffering, promote the interests of the poor, protect the environment
  4. 11. Military alliance created in 1949 made up of 12 non-Communist countries including the United States that support each other if attacked.
  5. 12. An international organization dedicated to the medical care of the sick or wounded in wars and natural disasters
  6. 13. An unsuccessful invasion of Cuba in 1961, which was sponsored by the United States. Its purpose was to overthrow Cuban dictator Fidel Castro.
  7. 14. the basic rights to which all people are entitled as human beings
  8. 15. native to a country, not foreign; relating to the life or affairs of a household; a household servant
  1. 1. Actions or processes that involve the entire world and result in making something worldwide in scope.
  2. 3. from another country
  3. 5. The practice of conducting negotiations between countries
  4. 6. Serves as the President's principal adviser on U.S. foreign policy
  5. 7. The 1962 confrontation between US and the Soviet Union over Soviet missiles in Cuba.
  6. 8. An agency of the United Nations responsible for programs to aid education and the health of children and mothers in developing countries
  7. 10. An agreement for free trade between the United States and Canada and Mexico