- 5. , green; beagle; science; starts with M
- 8. , purple; turtle or bilby; Legal Studies; starts with S
- 9. , red; panda; sports; starts with A
- 10. , blue; meerkat; chemistry; starts with L
- 12. , purple; any animal; no fav subjects; starts with M
- 16. , blue or red; dog; no fav subject; starts with K
- 19. , green; jellyfish; science; starts with K
- 20. , orange; snake; english; starts with A
- 23. , cobalt blue; sloth; history; starts with R
- 25. , yellow; dog; english; starts with D
- 26. , green; cat; humanities; starts with Z
- 1. , blue; golden retriver; english; starts with R
- 2. , peach and orange; panda; history; starts with B
- 3. , green; dog; art and english; starts with V
- 4. , purple; dolphin; english; starts with N
- 6. , blue and green; monkeys; math; starts with B
- 7. , green; penguin; chemistry; starts with Ms
- 11. , blue and purple; my siblings; math; starts with L
- 13. , red; panda; chemistry or math; starts with D
- 14. , dark green and red; frog and snails; history or design; starts with M
- 15. , grey; red panda; chemistry or business; starts with M
- 17. , mustard yellow; artic fox; HASS and science; starts with E
- 18. , black; dog, hospitality; starts with E
- 21. , purple; dog; tech and visual arts; starts with L
- 22. , purple; turtle; english; starts with R
- 24. , yellow; no fav animal; english; starts with U
- 26. , purple; jellyfish; math and music; starts with Z