Formative Essay Reading 2

  1. 2. (n - 6) state-granted protection to someone who has left their country and cannot return
  2. 4. (n/v - 9) a movement or set of movements requiring skill or care
  3. 5. (adj - 8) thorough and careful; strictly applied or implemented
  4. 7. (Latin phrase - 2-8) not present at the event (commonly used for trial/sentencing in courts)
  5. 10. (n - 9) a legal act of the European Union, requiring member states to achieve the result but without strict conditions on how it is achieved
  6. 11. (adj - 8) lacking legal force; having no effect or validity
  7. 13. (n - 10) a formal agreement passed by a legislative or formal body, usually after a vote
  8. 14. (n - 6) a specific article, condition or stipulation in a treaty, bill or contract
  9. 15. (Law - phrase 8-5) reasonable grounds to believe a crime has been committed, especially when searching or detaining someone
  10. 17. (adj/n - 9) a result/consequence that follows logically from something else
  11. 19. (adj - 10) careful and precise; showing great attention to detail
  12. 20. (adj - 8) a person below the age at which criminal prosecution is possible (18 in most states)
  1. 1. (n - 7) a collection of documents about a particular person or subject
  2. 3. (adj - 9)(appearing to be) reasonable or probable
  3. 6. (adj - 9) necessary; the opposite of 'optional'
  4. 8. (Law - phrase - 6-2-5) the duty of a claimant/party in a dispute/trial to produce the evidence that will show their claims against the other party to be true
  5. 9. (v/n - 10)to send someone back to their own country
  6. 12. (Law - 4-7)a negotiation in criminal trials in which the defendant and the prosecutor reach a mutually satisfactory disposition of a criminal case, often including the reduction/dismissal of sentences/charges
  7. 16. (adj - 9) involving two sides, especially two countries
  8. 18. (adj - 9) producing a great deal of profit; money-making