Forming a Governemnt

  1. 1. A document signed that made the king subject to law
  2. 3. Divides the powers of government between a central government and the states that make it up
  3. 6. People who opposed the constitution
  4. 7. Ten proposed amendments intended to protect citizens' rights
  5. 8. led hundreds of men in a forced shutdown of the supreme court
  6. 10. Set of basics and laws that states powers and duties of government
  7. 13. Political authority is in the nads of the people
  8. 15. Gave each state equal number of votes in the federal government
  9. 16. Official approval
  10. 17. The right to vote
  11. 19. Essays supporting the constitution
  12. 21. Give sovereignty to the central government
  13. 23. Proposing and passing laws
  14. 24. Trade between two or more states
  15. 25. System for bringing new states into the union
  1. 2. No branch gets too powerful
  2. 4. Uprising of farmers to protest high taxes and heavy debt
  3. 5. Taxes on imports or exports
  4. 9. Seven articles that made the first central government
  5. 11. Two-house legislature
  6. 12. Increased prices for goods and services combined with the reduced value of money
  7. 14. A period of low economic activity combined with a rise in unemployment
  8. 18. Interpreting laws
  9. 20. Laws are carried out
  10. 22. Official changes to the constitution