Forming a New Government

  1. 2. America's first constitution, which failed due to a weak national government.
  2. 3. A compromise that allowed for equal state representation in the Senate, and representation based on state population in the House
  3. 4. The first ten amendments of the Constitution
  4. 7. A set of written laws
  5. 10. College The body that elects the President of the United States
  6. 11. An official document that allows a person's property to be searched, or for a person to be arrested
  7. 12. Branch of government that makes laws
  8. 13. Branch of government that executes laws, and is lead by the President
  9. 16. The meeting of US delegates that drafted the United States Constitution
  10. 18. When branches of government have a check on another branch in order to keep the government balanced
  11. 19. A move from basing ideas off religion to basing ideas off of reason
  12. 20. A compromise that lead to slaves being counted as three-fifths of a person
  1. 1. Papers written by Alexander Hamilton, John Jay, and James Madison aimed at persuading people to ratify the Constitution
  2. 5. Branch of government that interprets laws
  3. 6. A form of government where power is split between a central and regional governments
  4. 8. Listed the steps for states to be admitted to the Union
  5. 9. Territory that the United States owned, which eventually became Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Indiana, and Illinois
  6. 14. Transaction and transportation of goods between states
  7. 15. To formally approve
  8. 17. Where different branches of government have different powers, so on branch does not become too powerful.