Forms Of Ownership
- 3. all parties who have an interest in the business, such as managers,employees,customers and the government
- 7. an organisation that is formed by a group of people who agree to work together and pool their resources so that they can be more economically effective
- 9. profit from the sale of property or an investment
- 12. process where an organisation's accounts are checked to make sure its financial operations are honest and above board
- 13. shareholders liability is limited to the extent of their investment in the business
- 16. profits of a business can either be taxed according to the progressive tax system or at a fixed tax rate, depending on the form of ownership
- 17. to bring a business to an end
- 19. has one or more directors
- 21. deducting from income within the boundaries of the law
- 23. the portion of the companies profit that is distributed to shareholders
- 25. an agreement between two or more people who combine capital, Labour and resources towards a common goal usually profit
- 28. the action of carrying out the four main management tasks:planning, organising,
- 29. a written acknowledgement of a long-term loan taken by a company
- 30. a thing that motivates or encourages someone to do something
- 1. an owner of shares in a company
- 2. money taken from your bank account
- 4. a formal written agreement between two or more people that says what each must do for the other
- 5. can have a minimum of one and a maximum of ten members who share a common goal
- 6. shared responsibility for all debts
- 10. a meeting that happens once a year, attended by all stakeholders
- 11. the legal duties of directors which must be completed as needed in order to act in the best interests of the company
- 14. shareholders have limited liability
- 15. illegal ways of deducting from income to pay less tax
- 18. money owed, debt or obligation
- 20. only one owner who takes responsibility for all capital needed- provides own capital and can also borrow capital
- 22. to buy financial products or other assets in order to make income
- 24. when a business is seen as a person
- 26. part ownership in a company
- 27. the collection and completion of forms and procedures for approval for something