- 2. the new avatar skin added to fortnite in 2th of april
- 7. heals only 5 sheild and you find them at the ground
- 9. the floor becames lava
- 11. the best shotgun in the og seoson that if you had double you could double...
- 14. heals 25 sheild
- 15. it is purple rarety and it is a mobility item that deals damage
- 1. piter grifin spawns there
- 3. it is mythic and it gives you health and super jump
- 4. it shoots lightings
- 5. you take this word when you fall
- 6. the game itself
- 8. two people built fight out of two ramps
- 10. you need this to level up
- 12. everything he touche becomes gold
- 13. heals you till 100 healh