Fossils and Plate Tectonics

  1. 2. fossil used to determine age of rock layer
  2. 3. underwater mountain chain where new oceanic crust is formed
  3. 5. the theory that states the Earth is covered with rocky plates that move
  4. 9. fossils are most often preserved in this type of rock
  5. 10. the remains or physical evidence of an organism preserved by geological processes
  6. 11. plate boundary where plates move away from each other
  1. 1. scientist that studies fossils
  2. 4. bending of rock layers due to stress
  3. 5. name for the single landmass that broke apart and drifted to the current positions of the continents
  4. 6. plate boundary where plates move towards each other
  5. 7. shells found on mountain tops used as proof the Earth's surface goes through extreme changes over time
  6. 8. hardened tree sap that insect fossils are found in