Fox Hunt Crossword

  1. 5. descendants of a common ancestor
  2. 6. mammal with a bushy tail
  3. 7. accomplishment of a goal or objective
  4. 10. grant to support student's education
  5. 12. name of ancestor who raised Liang status
  6. 14. dog breed that originated in Germany
  7. 15. nationality of the main character
  8. 16. a descendant of your family
  9. 17. processing information for a test
  10. 19. Chinese public official;form of Chinese
  1. 1. name of fox spirit
  2. 2. American citizen of Chinese heritage
  3. 3. introvert; does not have friends
  4. 4. spirit that helped Andy
  5. 8. highly educated person
  6. 9. the state of being extremely poor
  7. 11. lasting impact on the world
  8. 13. standardized test taken in 11th grade
  9. 15. name of the main character
  10. 17. rank people hold in a societal hierarchy
  11. 18. name of Andys bloodline(last name)