
  1. 3. a fraction in which the numerator is greater than the denominator
  2. 5. number above the line in a common fraction
  3. 7. a numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  4. 8. the smallest number divisible by all denominators of the given set of fractions
  5. 11. The highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers
  6. 15. the fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are equal to the same value
  7. 16. The opposite of multiplication; dividing numbers
  8. 17. a common multiple of the denominators of a number of fractions
  1. 1. the inverse of a value or a number
  2. 2. any fraction with 1 as its numerator (top number), and a whole number for the denominator
  3. 4. a fraction that is less than one, with the numerator less than the denominator
  4. 6. to take away one number or an amount from another
  5. 9. The process of adding two or more numbers
  6. 10. the process or skill of multiplying
  7. 12. a number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction
  8. 13. to reduce (an equation, fraction, etc) to a simpler form by cancellation of common factors, regrouping of terms in the same variable
  9. 14. The smallest multiple that two or more numbers have in common
  10. 16. the number below the line in a common fraction