Fractions and Decimals

  1. 2. The number at the bottom of a fraction
  2. 5. a fraction that is smaller that 1 (6,8)
  3. 7. Something that divides a number evenly
  4. 9. What number is in the 3rd decimal place of this number: 13.20715
  5. 10. "if it's ____ or more raise the score"
  6. 11. The number at the top of a fraction
  7. 12. numbers that are less than zero are this
  1. 1. Your favourite teacher
  2. 3. a fraction that is bigger than 1(8,8)
  3. 4. A whole number
  4. 6. an improper fraction expressed as an integer and a proper fraction (5,6)
  5. 8. a number that can only be divided by itself and one