Fractions and decimals
- 3. Reducing a fraction to its lowest terms
- 5. Number consisting of a whole number and a proper fraction
- 8. Common fractions used for estimation and comparison
- 9. Fractions with denominators that are factors of 100
- 12. Changing a fraction to a decimal or vice versa
- 13. Decimal that has a finite number of digits after the decimal point
- 16. Fraction or decimal expressed out of 100
- 19. Equation stating that two ratios are equivalent
- 20. Term of a fraction that cannot be simplified further
- 1. First place value to the right of the decimal point
- 2. Comparison of two numbers using division
- 4. Fraction with a numerator equal to or larger than the denominator
- 6. Number expressed using place values to the right of the decimal point
- 7. Number below the line in a fraction
- 10. Number above the line in a fraction
- 11. Fractions that represent the same value
- 14. Second place value to the right of the decimal point
- 15. Fraction obtained by flipping the numerator and denominator
- 17. Fraction with a numerator smaller than the denominator
- 18. Determining which fraction or decimal is greater or less than another