Fractions and Decimals
- 1. what is the decimal of the fraction 1/2?
- 4. what is the decimal of the fraction 3/4?
- 6. what is the decimal of the fraction 5/8?
- 8. what is the decimal of the fraction 5/6?
- 10. what is the decimal of the fraction 51/1000?
- 11. what is the decimal of the fraction 7/10?
- 1. what is the decimal of the fraction 8/9?
- 2. what is the decimal of the fraction 3/5?
- 3. what is the decimal of the fraction 1/8?
- 5. what is the decimal of the fraction 1/3?
- 7. what is the decimal of the fraction 1/4?
- 9. what is the decimal of the fraction 1/6?