Fractions and Percentages

  1. 2. To break down an equation to its most basic number.
  2. 5. A part of a whole amount out of 100.
  3. 10. A method for finding the whole amount when a percentage of that amount is known, by first finding the size of 1%
  4. 11. The saving made between the original price of an item and the reduced price.
  5. 12. Goods and services tax. A 10% tax added to the original price of an item or service.
  6. 13. The bottom number of a fraction.
  1. 1. The price an item costs the retailer to buy BEFORE the retail price.
  2. 3. The amount lost when selling an item at a lower price.
  3. 4. Where the numerator is larger than the denominator.
  4. 6. The difference between the selling price and the cost price of an item.
  5. 7. The price at which an item is sold by the retailer.
  6. 8. The amount earned as a percentage on top of a selling price.
  7. 9. The top number of a fraction.