Fractions, Decimals, and Percent
- 3. representing parts of a whole out of 100
- 4. the name of the coin that equals 25% of a dollar
- 5. a fraction where no pieces are missing
- 7. if the denominators are the same, add/subtract these
- 9. when adding/subtracting fractions, this must be the same
- 11. multiply a decimal by ___________ to get a percent
- 15. the denominator is the __________ number in a fraction
- 16. the line separating the numerator and denominator
- 18. the numerator is the _________ number in a fraction
- 19. the denominator tells how many ________ the whole is cut into
- 1. representing parts of a whole using tenths, hundredths, etc. and a decimal point
- 2. the bottom number in a fraction
- 3. a fraction with a smaller numerator than denominator
- 6. has a numerator and denominator
- 8. a fraction whose numerator equals its denominator
- 10. _________ a decimal by 100 to get a percent
- 12. the name of the coin that equals 0.1 of a dollar
- 13. _______ the numerator by the denominator to get a decimal
- 14. fractions that represent the same value but use different numbers
- 17. the top number in a fraction