Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

  1. 3. To divide two fractions you have to find the second fraction's _______
  2. 6. A fraction greater than one simplified so there's a whole number and a fraction
  3. 9. A fraction of 1 written to the right of a decimal point
  4. 10. A part of a whole number written as a/b
  1. 1. Reducing a fraction is also called_______
  2. 2. A fraction greater than 1 where the numerator is larger than the denominator is ______
  3. 4. The top number of a fraction; how many parts there are
  4. 5. The bottom number of a fraction; how many total parts there are
  5. 7. A fraction bar is also a _______ sign
  6. 8. A ratio of a number to 100