Fractions & Decimals

  1. 3. Fractions that mark the same place on the number line.
  2. 5. 3 decimal places.
  3. 7. The name for the number above the vinculum.
  4. 10. To change its form.
  5. 11. Name the tactic used: 92.725 = 92.73
  6. 12. 1 decimal place.
  7. 13. Writing a fraction in its 'easiest form' or 'most convenient form'.
  1. 1. The name for the number under the vinculum.
  2. 2. Synonym of decreasing.
  3. 4. The line between the numerator and the denominator.
  4. 6. 2 decimal places.
  5. 8. A combination of a whole number and a fraction.
  6. 9. Synonym of increasing.
  7. 14. Greater than a whole, causing the numerator to be larger than the denominator.