fragile planet

  1. 1. – A community of plants, animals, and other living things in a specific area.
  2. 4. – To use materials like plastic, paper, and glass again instead of throwing them away.
  3. 7. – Something that can be used again and again, like solar power.
  4. 10. Resources – Things we use from nature, like water, trees, and minerals.
  5. 13. Warming – The Earth getting warmer because of pollution.
  6. 15. Fuels – Energy from things like coal, oil, and gas, which pollute the air when burned.
  7. 16. – To make something smaller or use less of it, like energy or waste.
  8. 19. – When the air, water, or land is dirty because of harmful substances.
  9. 20. Effect – When gases trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, making the planet warmer.
  10. 21. – A mix of natural waste like food and plants that helps the soil grow better.
  11. 22. – The usual weather in a place over a long period.
  12. 23. Energy – Energy made by the wind turning large turbines.
  13. 24. Energy – Energy from the sun used to make electricity.
  14. 25. Conservation – Saving and using water carefully so we don’t waste it.
  15. 27. – To save something, like water or energy, so we don’t waste it.
  16. 28. – Cutting down many trees from forests, which can harm animals and the environment.
  1. 2. – Something that can continue without causing harm to the environment.
  2. 3. – To use something again instead of throwing it away.
  3. 5. Footprint – The amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) we make by using energy like cars, electricity, or factories.
  4. 6. – Taking care of the planet so future generations can live well.
  5. 8. – Something that is good for the environment and does not harm nature.
  6. 9. – Food or products made without chemicals, safe for the environment.
  7. 11. – Everything around us like trees, rivers, animals, and air.
  8. 12. – The cutting down of large areas of trees, which can damage the land.
  9. 14. – The variety of plants and animals in one place.
  10. 16. – To make something new again, like energy from wind or the sun.
  11. 17. – Power used for lights, machines, and heat.
  12. 18. Bin – A container where food waste and plants break down to become soil.
  13. 23. – Something we throw away because we don’t need it anymore.
  14. 26. Energy – Energy that comes from natural sources like the sun or wind, which we can use again and again.