Francophone Countries Crossword

  1. 6. This tiny European country is the last Grand Duchy in the world where a Grand Duke remains the head of state.
  2. 7. The name of this region comes from the Algonquin word "kebec" which means "where the river narrows"
  3. 9. This European nation known for watchmaking is the birthplace of the Red Cross
  4. 13. This North African nation is home to two "color" cities: the blue city of Chefchaouen and the red city of Marrakesh
  5. 15. This European country, known for waffles, produces more than 220,000 tons of chocolate annually.
  6. 18. This country off the coast of Africa which gained its independence from France in 1960 is the 4th largest island on the planet and is home to 70 species of lemurs and more than 50% of the total global population of chameleons.
  7. 19. There is some debate about whether this South American department of France's capital city is named Cayenne after the pepper or vis versa
  8. 21. This North African country is the largest on the continent, with nearly 90% of its landmass made up of the Sahara desert
  9. 22. This African nation is home to two of three of the world's deadly exploding lakes (Lakes Monoun and Nyos)
  10. 23. This Asian country's flag is the only in the world to feature a building (Angkor Wat)
  1. 1. This island in the West Indies is home to an active volcano (Mount Pelée) and is the birthplace of of Empress Joséphine de Beauharnais, the first wife of Emperor Napoleon I and renowned post-colonial poet Aimé Cesaire
  2. 2. A total of 118 islands make up this French collectivity of archipelagos which is said to be so remote that there are no native poisonous snakes or bugs
  3. 3. This North African country lends the iconic desert settings to many scenes in the Star Wars films
  4. 4. There no lakes or rivers in this European nation which is the second smallest in the world apart from Vatican City.
  5. 5. These islands are the sole remnant of France's North American Colonial empire and served as a major transshipment point for alcohol smuggling during US Prohibition
  6. 8. This Caribbean Island nation was the first in the in the Western Hemisphere to abolish slavery
  7. 9. This East African nation is actually an archipelago comprised of 73 coral islands and 42 inner islands made of granite
  8. 10. This Middle Eastern country is home to Byblos which is considered by many to be the oldest city in the world and where the first alphabet originated.
  9. 11. This Central African nation is the second largest on the continent and it's capitol city Kinshasha is the second largest French speaking city in the world
  10. 12. This once French controlled region is named for King Louis XIV of France and is famed as the birthplace of jazz music and its iconic celebrations of Mardi Gras
  11. 14. This African nation effectively has two capitals, the official capital city of Yamoussoukro and the defacto Capital of Abidjan
  12. 16. This European nation holds the record for the shortest ever reign of a monarch which lasted just 20 minutes in 1844
  13. 17. This West African nation is home to a world-famous pink lake called Lac Retba
  14. 20. This Asian nation is home to more than 392 rivers which run a total distance of more than 4,000 miles