Freak dictonary

  1. 3. a think vicious liquid
  2. 4. what you do after you zig
  3. 5. another word for falling down
  4. 6. shoes big enough to fit maxwell Kane
  5. 7. when you taste when you bite into an orange
  6. 9. beaming up into books
  7. 11. talking on paper
  1. 1. a word used by people with small minds
  2. 2. a four-letter word for truth serum
  3. 4. an eighth grade English class
  4. 6. a way to improve on a human condition
  5. 7. what you do before you zag
  6. 8. a unit of measurement equal to 190 centimeters and still growing
  7. 9. a mechanical entity sometimes endowed with human characteristics
  8. 10. a human sauropod