Freedom Fighters Puzzle

  1. 6. A woman who led a lifetime of activism for Black Americans, most famed for a courageous stand that kicked off the Montgomery Bus Boycott.
  2. 8. The family member that Rosa Parks learned her activist spirit from.
  3. 9. The capital city of Alabama where Rosa Parks lived and where a major bus boycott took place.
  4. 10. Rosa Parks' brother.
  5. 11. A famous civil rights activist and priest.
  6. 12. A fifteen-year-old girl who refused to give up her seat to a white woman on a segregated bus.
  1. 1. A movement spearheaded by young people in the 1960s and 70s that Rosa Parks supported adamantly.
  2. 2. The event in Washington, DC where Dr. King gave his famous "I Have A Dream" speech and where Rosa Parks and several other female activists were overlooked.
  3. 3. A civil rights group founded by W.E.B. DuBois.
  4. 4. The Northern city where Rosa Parks moved to in 1957 and continued her activism in.
  5. 5. Rosa Parks' husband and fellow activist.
  6. 7. The position Rosa Parks served as in the NAACP.